Please join us in welcoming…
Please join us in welcoming…
Some updates from the Home Office! Some Exciting Updates on the Home Office Team! We are excited to share some updates and annoucements about our home office team! One thing will never change - we remain 100% committed to you and your clients. Susan LeMoine It is with mixed emotions that we annouce that Susan LeMoine will be retiring as of December 31st. Susan has been with the Firm since 1996 and has worked tirelessly to help make it what it is today. We are grateful that she has agreed to stay on as a consultant. Please join us in wishing her all the best as she begins this next chapter, a well-deserved retirement. Thank you, Susan! We are pleased to announce that Bobby Kelly will be taking over the role of Director of Operations as of January 1, 2022. Bobby has been with the Firm for many years, most recently serving as Chief Compliance Officer. He brings with him years of institutional knowledge and will help continue the high level of service within the Operations Department. Bobby Kelly Robert Feinstein We are happy to welcome Robert Feinstein to the home office team! Some of you may have worked with Bob previously in another branch location and we are glad to have him join the Operations Team here at the Home Office. You will be able to reach him at 781-933-6100 extension 110. Trust Advisory Group, Ltd. & Advisory Group Equity Services, Ltd. | 444 Washington Street, Suite 407, Woburn, MA 01801 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by powered by Try email marketing for free today!
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