
Verti Aviso Legal

The information obtained is used to create value-added reports on user profiles and website traffic patterns, and then deliver them to our advertisers so that they can improve their approach to ads with users. None of the information provided to advertisers can relate to their identity or other personal information of individual users. The User undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services as described below and not to use them for the following purposes: illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and public order; disseminate racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal content or propaganda, advocate terrorism or violate human rights; cause damage to the physical and logical systems of La Línea Vertical, its suppliers or third parties; introduce or spread computer viruses or other physical or logical systems that may cause the aforementioned damage; and/or attempt to access and, if necessary, use other users` email accounts and modify or manipulate their messages. The information thus disseminated is for informational purposes only and reserves the right to eliminate or suspend La Línea Vertical, in whole or in part, its dissemination and to modify the structure and content of the portal without prior notice, or even to limit or deny access to this information. The aim is to maintain the quality and timeliness of this information and to avoid and minimise possible errors due to technical failures. However, La Línea Vertical does not guarantee that this service cannot be interrupted or affected by these failures. The owner does not have a data protection officer, so if you have any questions about the protection of your data, please contact us directly via the E-Mail-vertiastur@hotmail.es The legal basis for the processing of your data is the legitimate interest of the owner to respond to his will, expressed when filling in the contact form. lalineavertical.com es un dominio en internet de titularidad de La Línea Vertical S.A. en Camino de la Ermita, 10, Polígono Industrial Gibraltar, 11300 La Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz, España, T. +34 956 763 055. COMPONENTES DE TRÁFICO VERTICAL S.L is not aware of the content and services of the linked websites and is therefore not responsible for any damages, caused by the illegality, quality, non-updating, unavailability, error and uselessness of the contents and/or services of the linked websites or by any other damage not directly attributable to COMPONENTES DE TRÁFICO VERTICAL S.L. attributable to them.

We only assume legal responsibility for the text in Spanish (enlace al aviso legal en español), the other texts are an example of our transparency in the field of data protection. Si bien, en principio, la duración de este sitio es indeterminada, el Prestador se reserva el derecho a modificar, suspender o dar por terminada la prestación de sus servicios, en todo o en parte, en cualquier momento, y sin necesidad de preaviso a los Usuarios del mismo. Remember that if you access an advertisement in our newsletters or websites by clicking on it, the advertiser can install its own cookies for which Quimilock has no competence and responsibility, so the user must be prevented from accessing the advertisers` privacy policy. This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish law in each of its extremes, provided that the applicable law allows the waiver of the established jurisdiction; it is designated as the place of jurisdiction for the settlement of possible disputes, the courts of Malaga, the user expressly waives any other jurisdiction that may correspond. In order to use the Services, minors must obtain prior authorization and/or authorization from their parents, guardians or legal guardians, who will be held responsible for all actions taken by minors in their care. The sole responsibility for determining the specific content and services accessed by minors rests with the adults in their care. Since the Internet allows access to content that may not be suitable for minors, users are informed that there are mechanisms, including filtering and blocking software, that limit the content available and, although they are not foolproof, they are particularly useful for controlling and limiting the content that minors can access. In the event that the user or any other Internet user is aware that the linked sites refer to sites whose content or services are illegal, harmful, degrading, violent or contrary to morality, he may contact COMPONENTES DE TRÁFICO VERTICAL S.L, indicating the following extremes: El Patio Vertical se reserva el derecho a modificar los términos, Condiciones y avisos bajo los cuales se ofrece el acceso a su sitio web. Access to the portal does not imply any obligation on the part of COMPONENTES DE TRÁFICO VERTICAL S.L. to verify the veracity, accuracy, adequacy, relevance, completeness and timeliness of the information provided through the portal.

The content of this page is of a general nature and does not constitute in any way the provision of legal advice or any reason why such information is not sufficient for the personal or commercial decisions of the user. Posible la prestación de Tales servicios. With regard to the data collected in the manner provided for in the previous sections, the user may exercise the rights of access, rectification and cancellation in the cases and within the limits established by law with regard to their personal data by contacting Vertical Caffè, Calle Almadén, 26, 28014 Madrid info@elpatiovertical.es. In any case, La Línea Vertical is not responsible for the opinions expressed by users through forums or other participation tools that may be developed. The site that establishes the link must remain faithful to the law and in no case may it have or link to its own content or that of third parties that: (i) is illegal, harmful or contrary to good morals and morals (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (II) create or may create in the user the false idea that COMPONENTES DE TRÁFICO VERTICAL S.L approves, approves, obeys or supports in any way the ideas, statements or expressions, legal or illegal, of the sender; (III) is inappropriate or unrelated to the activity of COMPONENTES DE TRÁFICO VERTICAL S.L. in relation to the location, content and theme of the sender`s website.

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