
Positive Legal Quotes

If you`ve done the same things and haven`t gotten the desired results from your practice, these remarkable quotes will spark ideas that will get you moving. As the saying goes: “Success leaves footprints” – why reinvent the wheel? These inspiring quotes on the practice of law will underscore the commitment needed to fight crime. Follow @strictlylegal.in. Follow @strictlylegal.in. “Law and justice are not always the same thing” – Gloria Strinem. #hashtag #law #basicstructure #companylaw #indianlaw #laws #lawstudent #lawsuit #legal #indianlaw #partnership #quotes #lawquotes #copyright #laes #gloriasteinem These wonderful quotes will make you appreciate lawyers and see them in a new light. This collection of quotes comes from the minds of legal experts, famous celebrities, and other legendary thinkers. What are your favorite quotes and sayings from lawyers about crime and justice? One day, I asked our subscribers: What are your best legal quotes on law? and What good means to you. And fortunately, one of them imagined this masterpiece. If you enjoyed reading this blog post, don`t forget to share it with your legal friends or friends.

These legal quotes have inspired me a lot and I think it works for you too. In anticipation of these inevitable moments, Enjuris has compiled a list of right-wing quotes to inspire you, make you laugh, or simply remind you that others have been in your shoes and lived to talk about it. A post shared by Strictly Legal (@strictlylegal.in) on May 24, 2020 at 2:36am PDT Whether you`re just starting law school or running your own law firm, you`ll love these motivational words. Justice P.N. Bhagwati summed it up in a few words. This legal quote essentially meant. We are the people who govern the country, and there is no better force of law than the power of the collective we. This could be one of the most controversial legal quotes and you might disagree with it.

If you are asking for a personal opinion, I would say that is true to some extent. Things happening around us, like the mysterious meeting of Vikas Dubey, remind me of quotes like this. We regularly update legal quotes on our Instagram profile. This includes citations from various distinguished professors, from presidents to judges around the world, who have contributed to the world of law, and these citations for law students attempt to resonate with their views on a particular cause. It is important that we law students read and understand these quotes in the spirit in which they were quoted and in the context in which they were quoted. The quotes from lawyers listed below will make you think, laugh and dream. If you or someone you know is interested in crime and justice, you will understand the passion and struggle that these law quotes highlight. Read these words of wisdom to change your perspective on the legal system. 70. “As a lawyer and former prosecutor, I know the limits of the president`s power and authority. I know what is legal and what is not.

– Rodrigo Duterte If you or someone you know is a lawyer, inspire them with this collection of encouraging quotes. The commandments of the law can be understood under these three points: live honestly, do not hurt anyone intentionally, and pay attention to every human being. 57. “A very intelligent lawyer can do a lot of harm, we can only hope that lawyers will never understand how to manipulate physical laws.” – R. A. Delmonico This was cited by the Supreme Court in Anita Kushwaha v. Pushap Sudan in 2016. He affirms that no civilized country in the world can deny its citizens the right to justice, because it is one of those that are inalienable and constitute the fundamental right that should be recognized. 92. It is a lawyer`s job to find a loophole to sneak into any law that stands in his way; and if there is no hole to make one. — W. Ouseley 13.

“It is the lawyers who run our civilization for us – our governments, our businesses, our private lives. Most legislators are lawyers; They are the ones who make our laws. Most presidents, governors, commissioners, their advisers and brains are lawyers; They administer our laws. All judges are lawyers; They interpret and apply our laws. There is no separation of powers for lawyers. There is only a concentration of all government power – in lawyers. – Fred Rodell 19. “Going to court with a lawyer who considers your entire lifestyle a crime in progress is not a happy prospect.” – Hunter S. Thompson Justice. A small word, but one that weighs more than anything in the world. 46. “Lawyers have a perspective that sets them apart from the rest of us.

In a way, this particular vision makes them invaluable and otherwise repugnant. Lawyers focus much more on rational, logical and objective criteria to the exclusion of emotional, subjective and sometimes irrational reactions to the world. In addition, lawyers like not to show emotions and possess a particular disregard for emotions found in others, which has the ability to make them inhuman. – Thane Rosenbaum 4. “A jury consists of twelve people selected to decide who has the best lawyer.” – Robert Frost There is only one law for all, namely, this law that governs every law, the law of our Creator, the law of mankind, justice, equality – the law of nature and nations. 69. “The physician sees all the weakness of mankind; The lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity. — Arthur Schopenhauer 97. It seems like you`re done paying and you`re feeling that sense of relief, and then it`s time to pay it again. – Kenneth G. Eade I am free, regardless of the rules around me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; If I find them too odious, I break them.

I am free because I know that I am the only one morally responsible for everything I do. Lawyers are the only people who are not punished for ignorance of the law. Warren Hastings` impeachment speech, May 28, 1794 If you have the patience and dedication, you can succeed in becoming a lawyer. Read these sayings and proverbs for inspiration when you need motivation. 89. “A lawyer is never quite comfortable with an amicable divorce, any more than a good undertaker wants to finish his job and then let the patient sit on the table.” – Jean Kerr 63. “Discipline is part of my professional training as a lawyer. – Mohamed ElBaradei No man-made law, whether derived from the past or projected onto a distant and unforeseeable future, can or should ever be empowered to claim that it is greater than the natural law from which it arises and to which it must inevitably return in the eternal rhythm of creation and decline of all natural things. 37. “After years as a civil rights lawyer, I`m rarely speechless.” – Michelle Alexander, 64.

“It`s every lawyer`s dream to help shape the law, not just respond to it.” — Alan Dershowitz 5. “A lawyer is a person who writes a 10,000-word document and calls it a `letter.` – Franz Kafka 87. Well, I don`t know, because I want a lawyer to tell me what I can`t do. I hire him to say how to do what I want to do. – J. P. Morgan 83. “I`m not saying that all lawyers are bad, but I argue that the general trend is wrong: stand up in court for the site that paid you and do everything you can to win the case, regardless of your private opinion. The mercenary is not a cherished creature, but at least he risks his life, while these men only risk their next salary. If you`re like most law students, you`ll soon question your decision to become a lawyer and wonder if you would have done better to disconnect from the public grid and build a small house on the Kerguelen Islands.

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